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Parents aren't teaching their children their native tongue and we think we know why...

Not having the right resources If you’ve ever tried to google a comprehensive language resource for your native tongue, the chances are you’ve probably not been able to find anything. Most resources focus only on body parts, numbers, or letters of the alphabet. We know how disheartening it can be, and that’s why we will continue to expand the @nafolan_ range. They want their children to adjust to the Western world Parents who have migrated usually don’t want their children to be “outsiders” in their new “home country”. There is a misconception that speaking in another language will “mess up” the ability to speak fluent English. They think their children will just pick it up Oftentimes, we think it is...

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5 benefits of teaching your child your native language

Hi Nafolan Fam, I’ve realised that so many of you support this brand and I haven’t taken the time to thank you nor have I properly introduced myself to you.  My name is Mariama, mama to the most beautiful almost 2 year old (I’m biased yes I know 😜). He’s both Ghanaian (on his dad’s side) and Sierra Leonean (on my side) and he’s the reason I’m so passionate about preserving our cultural identity through language. In today’s post, I’d like to go through 5 benefits of teaching your little one your native language. The list is by no means exhaustive but I’m sure you’ll agree these benefits are amazing!!! Financial Better employment opportunities in this country and overseas are available for individuals...

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